4DMEDIAPLAYER is compatible with iPad / iPhone.

Player for a variety of videos|4DMEDIAPLAYER

4DMEDIAPLAYER is now available for all 2D / 3DVR / 4D-VR video formats!

Enjoy 4K video with clear and smooth image quality!

※To use this player, you must be a registered member



Update to 4DMEDIAPLAYER+ Ver 1.1.0

We have fixed existing functions and added new functions (such as displaying the playlist in VR mode).
Please update to the latest version.


4DMEDIAPLAYER(PC) Ver.3.1.6 Notice of malfunction

We are currently investigating an issue where VR mode does not start properly in some environments.
If it does not start properly, please contact us with details.
We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.


4DMEDIAPLAYER(PC) Updated to Ver. 3.1.6

  • 4DMEDIAPLAYER has been updated to 3.1.6.
  • We have fixed the issue regarding Bluetooth connection.

Please update to the latest version.


4DMEDIAPLAYER(ios) Updated to Ver. 3.1.6

  • 4DMEDIAPLAYER has been updated to 3.1.6.
  • We have fixed the issue regarding Bluetooth connection.

Please update to the latest version.


4DMEDIAPLAYER(MetaQuest) Updated to Ver.

  • Fixed a problem when playing videos.

Please update to the latest version.


4DMEDIAPLAYER(android) Updated to Ver. 3.1.6

  • 4DMEDIAPLAYER has been updated to 3.1.6.
  • We have fixed the issue regarding Bluetooth connection.

Please update to the latest version. This update is only compatible with the Android version and does not include PC / iOS / Meta Quest.


4DMEDIAPLAYER(android) Updated to Ver. 3.1.5

  • 4DMEDIAPLAYER has been updated to 3.1.5.
  • Google login fix

This update is only compatible with the Android version and does not include PC / iOS / Meta Quest.


4DMEDIAPLAYER(android) Notice of malfunction

There is a problem that you can not log in to Google with the latest version of Android.
We will notify you as soon as the adjustment is completed.You can still use normal login. Please confirm the password of the account by the following method.
Click here for details


4DMEDIAPLAYER(android) Updated to Ver. 3.1.4

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the bluetooth connection button did not respond on models with Android OS11 or earlier.

【Important】 Notice of change in compatible OS version of 4DMEDIAPLAYER app (Android)

As of the end of May 2023, some of the supported OS versions of the 4DMEDIA PLAYER app will not be subject to operation verification and support will end.
Please check the OS version you are currently using and update to a compatible OS version or use the 4DMEDIAPLAYER app on a device equipped with a compatible OS version.

Unsupported OS version


4DMEDIAPLAYER(ios) Updated to Ver. 3.1.3

  • Solved the display size problem in VR mode on some models.
  • We have disabled third-party logins.
    ※If you were using Google registration or login from within the player, please note that this update will no longer involve Google login.
    You need to login and reset your password.

4DMEDIAPLAYER(MetaQuest2) Notice of malfunction

  • We have confirmed an issue with the MetaQest2(v51)+4DMEDIA PLAYER app that causes the player to force close.
  • We are currently awaiting investigation into the cause. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
  • Please note that if you are planning to update to MetaQest version v51 (SQ3A.220605.009.A1), please refrain from updating as operation is not guaranteed.

4DMEDIAPLAYER(android) Notice of malfunction

  • 4D MEDIA PLAYER In the latest version of android, it has been confirmed that some models cannot press the Bluetooth button from the player settings. We are currently working on it.
  • We will notify you once the correction has been made.
  • We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.

4DMEDIAPLAYER(ios) Notice of malfunction

  • It has been confirmed that 4DMEDIAPLAYER/iPhone 13 and later models/VR mode does not play video properly.
  • We will notify you once the correction has been made.
  • We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.

4DMEDIAPLAYER(android) Updated to Ver. 3.1.3
Adding New Functions

  • Added language switching function (Japanese, English)
  • Fixed some bugs

4DMEDIAPLAYER(Meta) Updated to Ver.
Adding New Functions

  • Added language switching function (Japanese, English)
  • Fixed some bugs

4DMEDIAPLAYER(pc) Updated to Ver. 3.0.0
Adding New Functions

  • Added language switching function (Japanese, English)
  • Fixed some bugs

4DMEDIAPLAYER(ios) Updated to Ver. 3.1.0
Adding New Functions

  • Added language switching function (Japanese, English)
  • Fixed some bugs

4DMEDIAPLAYER(android) Updated to Ver. 2.2.0
Adding New Functions

  • New member registration function in the app
  • Google account login function
  • Ability to add/sort favorites on each tab
  • Other bug fixes and adjustments

4DMEDIAPLAYER(Meta) Updated to Ver. 2.2.0
Adding New Functions

  • Ability to add/sort favorites on each tab
  • Other bug fixes and adjustments

4DMEDIAPLAYER(PC) Updated to Ver. 2.2.0
Adding New Functions

  • New member registration function in the app
  • Google account login function
  • Ability to add/sort favorites on each tab
  • Other bug fixes and adjustments

Meta Quest Updated to Ver. 2.0.1

  • In-device download function is now supported.
  • Other minor corrections were made.

Important Notice: In Windows 11

  • A problem has been discovered that prevents 4DMEDIAPLAYER from viewing videos properly.
  • We do not recommend updating to Windows 11.
  • Please do so at your own discretion.

4DMEDIAPLAYER ( PC ) Updated to Ver. 2.1.2

  • Adjusted live details.
  • Adjusted Bluetooth details.
  • Fixed other minor issues.

4DMEDIAPLAYER ( ios/android) Updated to Ver. 2.1.0

  • Adjusted live details.
  • Adjusted Bluetooth details.
  • Fixed other minor issues.

4DMEDIAPLAYER ( ALL ) Updated to Ver. 2.0.1

  • Adjustments were made regarding image quality.
  • Adjustments have been made to stabilize live viewing.
  • Adjustments have been made to allow for the setting of image quality with respect to live performances.
  • Adjusted the 3D switching button so that it is hidden during 2D playback.
  • Fixed other minor issues.

IOS15 support for 4DMEDIAPLAYER

The release of "IOS15" has just been made by apple.

There is a possibility that some functions of 4DMEDIAPLAYER may not work properly when updating the OS to "IOS15".

Please be careful when updating to "IOS15".

We will inform you of the status of our response to any problems that are found on our website at a later date.

We appreciate your understanding that it may take some time for us to respond to your request.


Meta Quest 4DMEDIAPLAYER Ver1.0.0 released

※Please download from Meta Quest Store.


4DMEDIAPLAYER ( Google Play ) Updated to Ver. 2.0.0

※Please update from Google Play。

  • Vertical UI is now supported.
  • URL scheme is now supported.
  • Download problem solved.
  • Fixed other minor bugs.

4DMEDIAPLAYER ( App Store / Windows ) Updated to Ver. 2.0.0

※Please update from the Update in the Settings section.

  • App Store ) Vertical UI is now supported.
  • App Store ) URL scheme is now supported.
  • App Store ) Download problem solved.
  • App Store ) Fixed other minor bugs.
  • Windows ) 6Dof remote control is now supported.
  • Windows ) Download problem solved.。
  • Windows ) Fixed other minor bugs.

4DMEDIAPLAYER ( ALL ) Updated to Ver.1.1.5

  • Local playback has been adjusted for stable viewing.
  • Adjusted so that subtitles are not automatically switched on and off.
  • Fixed other minor bugs.

Bugs related to Windows 10 Home

We are currently confirming a problem with SteamVR not launching on "Windows 10 Home".

We apologize for any inconvenience caused, and ask that you please wait for the correction.

※Currently, the above problem has been corrected and the system can be used normally.
We look forward to your continued patronage.


4DMEDIAPLAYER ( ALL ) Updated to Ver.1.1.4

  • Fixed a crash issue on Android 11.
  • A button to move to 2D mode was added to the upper left corner of the screen while using VR mode.
  • The menu screen has been readjusted so that it is not hidden when using menu operations during video playback.

4DMEDIAPLAYER ( ALL ) Updated to Ver.1.1.3

  • Fixed a crash issue on Android 11.
  • A button to switch between 3D and 2D modes has been added to the menu while watching videos in VR mode.
  • Fixed so that the video does not pause when the menu is displayed during playback.
  • Fixed other issues.

Google Play Updated to Ver.1.1.2ト

  • Adjustments were made to the operation menu (title, seek bar, icons, etc.) on the playback screen.
  • Fixed a problem in which a menu would appear when zooming in or out during playback.
  • The order of the list of video works has been corrected from four horizontal columns to three horizontal columns.
  • Added tap operation to the VR mode menu display method.
  • Fixed other issues.

Windows / App Store Updated to Ver.1.1.2

  • iOS共通 )>Fixed a problem in which a menu would appear when zooming in or out during playback.
  • iPhone用アプリ)The order of the list of video works has been corrected from four horizontal columns to three horizontal columns.
  • iPhone用アプリ)Added tap operation to the VR mode menu display method.
  • Windows用アプリ)Added click operation to the VR mode menu display method.
  • Fixed other issues.

Bugs related to Android 11

We are currently confirming a bug that causes the application to force close when playing a video on "AndroidOS 11".

Since this is a problem associated with the Android OS update, we would appreciate it if you would refrain from upgrading to Android 11.


App Store Updated to Ver1.1.1

iPhone version / iPad version updated to Ver1.1.1.

  • Fixed a problem in which a menu appeared when starting video playback.
  • Fixed a video pause when the menu is called up during video playback.
  • Fixed other issues.

Windows 4DMEDIAPLAYER Ver1.0 released

  • 4DMEDIAPLAYER for PC has been released.

Google Play 4DMEDIAPLAYER Ver1.0 released

  • 4DMEDIAPLAYER for Android has been released.

Site OPE

  • 4DMEDIAPLAYER official WEB site is now open.

App Store Update to 4DMEDIAPLAYER Ver1.1.0

  • Now compatible with iPhone。
  • VR playback (iPhone only) is now supported。

App Store 4DMEDIAPLAYER Ver1.0 released

  • 4DMEDIAPLAYER for iPad has been released.


4DMEDIAPLAYER supports 2D / 3DVR / 4D-VR formats.

In addition to +1D functionality, live streaming is available.

Communication charges will be incurred for downloading and playing video files. Please be sure to connect to Wi-Fi before use.

If you are a new user, please refer to the [ Application Guide ]from the[ Settings ] menu in the player.


Stylish design with emphasis on sensory clarity and ease of operation.

Two viewpoints are available: sensor and swipe. Tap to easily switch between the two.

How to watch

In addition to free streaming video, purchased video, and monthly unlimited viewing features, streaming live streaming (VR/2D) is also supported.

Enhanced keyword search and refinement functions.

Video Details

In addition to performer and release information, digest images are available in the player.

Attached functions are now also visually clear with icon display.

About 4D-VR

立体映像 連動機能 スマート再生 ストーリー再生 マルチリンガル字幕機能 チャプター機能


4D-VR is all parallax-adjusted stereoscopic images. It is different from panoramic 2D which is easily captured.


linked functions

This function allows high-level real-time linking of video and peripheral devices. It can be introduced in various scenes according to the scale of the equipment.


Smart Playback

VR images can be played back as 2D images. Not only can it be played back, but it can also be changed to any size you like, horizontally or vertically, with the main image displayed in the center for smooth viewing.


Story Playback

By adding a "selection mode" to conventional VR images, you can now select images!

Selecting a branching destination allows you to actively experience VR.


Multi-lingual subtitling

This subtitle function supports multiple languages such as English, Chinese, and Korean. You can easily switch between them simply by adjusting your viewpoint to the flag of the country in the menu.


chapter function

Easily navigate to the scene displayed in the thumbnail.

New chapters can also move scenes in a split video.

Player for a variety of videos|4DMEDIAPLAYER DOWNLOAD









PC ( Windows )




Meta Quest


