当サイトでは、サイトの分析と改善のためにGoogleが提供している「Google アナリティクス」を利用しています。
住 所:宮崎県宮崎市田代町75 テクノロジーズビル
This site recognizes the importance of personal information and considers the protection of personal information to be a social responsibility.
We will comply with laws and regulations regarding personal information, and will properly acquire, use, and manage personal information handled by this site.
This Privacy Policy describes the policies that we follow when handling your personal information or similar information.
This site will use the information provided by customers within the scope of the following purposes.
To ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information, this site takes thorough security measures and implements necessary and appropriate levels of safety measures to protect personal information from leakage, falsification, unauthorized access, and other risks.
This site uses SSL encryption to protect important information from being read or altered by third parties.
We will not provide personal information to third parties except for legitimate reasons, including but not limited to the following.
This site may outsource personal information to other businesses to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
When we receive a request for disclosure, correction, or suspension of use, we will respond to the request in accordance with the prescribed method. Please contact us by inquiry e-mail for specific instructions on how to do so.
A cookie is a mechanism that stores a user's site browsing history on the user's computer.
Users can refuse collection by disabling cookies, so please check your browser settings.However, if you reject cookies, some services and functions of this Site may not operate properly.
This website uses 「Google Analytics」 provided by Google to analyze and improve the site.
This service uses cookies to collect traffic data.Traffic data is collected anonymously and is not personally identifiable.
While every effort has been made to ensure that the content and information on this site is as accurate as possible, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or safety.Please note that we are not responsible for any damage or loss caused by the contents of this website.
When you move from this site to other sites by links, banners, etc., we are not responsible for the information, services, etc., provided at the new site.
The fee descriptions on this site are subject to change without notice.
The copyrights and portrait rights to all content (text, images, video, audio, files, etc.) on this site are owned by the owner of this site or the respective right holders, and unauthorized use (reprinting, reproduction, transfer, secondary use, etc.) of any content is prohibited. Transformation, modification, or revision of the content is also strictly prohibited.
If there is any problem with the content of the site, please contact the respective rights holders in person. We will respond as soon as possible.
In principle, this site is link-free.No permission or contact is required to link to this site.
When quoting, please clearly state the source of the quotation and link to the relevant page.
However, please refrain from linking directly to image files, or linking in the form of displaying within an HTML page using inline frames.
Corporate Name:L.A.B. Inc.
Address:Technologies Building, 75 Tashiro-cho, Miyazaki-shi, Miyazaki
Representative:Shokichi Kuroki
Click here for inquiry reception
This site will review and improve this Privacy Policy from time to time.
This Privacy Policy is subject to change without prior notice.
Changes to this Privacy Policy shall be effective upon posting on this site.