株式会社エル・エー・ビー ( 以下、「 当社 」) が運営する当ウェブサイト「https://www.livecity.co.jp 」( 以下、「 当サイト 」) 及び当社が運営するその他ウェブサイトのご利用にあたっては、事前にこの利用規約 ( 以下、「 本規約 」) をお読みいただき、ご同意の上でご利用ください。
当社ウェブサイトに掲載されている文章、画像 ( イラスト / ロゴ / 写真 )、動画、ソフトウェア、その他のすべての情報は、当社または第三者が著作権を有しており、各国の著作権法、各種条約、およびその他の法律で保護されています。
個人的な利用など著作権法によって認められる場合を除き、著作権者の事前の許可なく、これらの情報を利用 ( 複製、改変、配布、公衆送信等を含みます。) することはできません。
当社ウェブサイトでは、より良いサービスのご提供を目的に「 Cookie ( クッキー ) 」と呼ばれる仕組みを利用しております。
「 Cookie ( クッキー ) 」とは、お客様がサイトを閲覧した際に、お客様のブラウザを識別するための情報を保存しておく仕組みを表します。
Please read these Terms of Use ("Terms") carefully before using this website 「 https://www.livecity.co.jp 」 ("Site") operated by L.A.B. Corporation ("Company") and other websites operated by the Company.
Please note that by using this site, you agree to all of the following terms and conditions.
Please note that the contents of this agreement are subject to change without notice.
The following acts are prohibited when using this site.In the unlikely event of a violation of this policy, we will not be liable for any damages incurred by you or any third party.
All text, images (illustrations/logos/photos), videos, software, and all other information on our website are copyrighted by us or third parties and are protected by copyright laws, treaties, and other laws of each country.
Except for personal use or other use permitted by copyright law, you may not use (including reproduction, modification, distribution, public transmission, etc.) this information without the prior permission of the copyright holder.
Prior written permission is required to use any of the Group's trademarks.
While we take the utmost care in posting information on our website, we do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this information.
The Company and its affiliates shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss incurred by you as a result of your use of the information or content contained in the Company's website, except in cases where the law does not allow exemption from liability.
In addition, the provision of this information may be suspended or terminated without notice due to system maintenance, malfunction or shutdown of equipment or lines, power outages, natural disasters, or other reasons.
We reserve the right to change the information on our website at any time without notice.
Unless otherwise specified, the use of our website shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.
Access to our website is at the discretion of the user, and the user assumes all responsibility for the use of our website.
Unless otherwise specified, the Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance over all disputes related to the use of our website.
In principle, you are free to link to our website, whether for profit or not.
However, please refrain from setting up links that fall under any of the following or have the potential to fall under any of the following.
We are deeply aware of the importance of information security on our network and are committed to ensuring information security.
In addition, we will strive to prevent security incidents, and in the unlikely event of an incident, we will take emergency measures to minimize losses, investigate the cause, and take measures to prevent recurrence.
The handling of personal information on the Company's website shall be in accordance with the Company's Privacy Policy, which is set forth separately.
Our website uses a mechanism called 「cookies」 to provide better service.
A「 cookie 」is a mechanism that stores information to identify your browser when you visit a website.
The acquired information will be used to statistically monitor the overall site browsing status, to improve customer convenience, to improve the site, to display recommended content for each customer, and to deliver optimal advertisements.
Please note that cookie information does not identify your personal information.
You can also reject the use of cookies by setting your browser to refuse cookies.
Please note that if you set your browser to refuse cookies, you may not be able to use some of the services on our website.
In addition, our website utilizes cookies and tools and services provided by third parties.
In the course of such use, we may provide the tool/service provider with customer information that is not personally identifiable by itself.
Such information will be handled in accordance with the regulations set forth by the tool/service provider.
If you wish to disable (opt-out) the delivery of advertisements via third-party cookies, etc., please go to the relevant company's website to disable (opt-out).
This website uses JavaScript in some of the contents for a better user experience.
Please note that if JavaScript is not turned on (enabled) in your browser settings, the site may not display or operate properly.
This site uses SSL encrypted communication (Secure Sockets Layer) for some services in order to improve the level of security.
To use the applicable service, your web browser must support 128-bit SSL.
By using a web browser that supports security features, personal information such as your real name, address, or telephone number is automatically encrypted before it is sent or received.
Even in the unlikely event that a third party intercepts the transmitted data, there is no fear that the contents will be stolen.
Please note that you may not be able to use this page due to firewall settings.For more information about SSL and browser compatibility, please refer to Digicert's website.